Groups & Events

For upcoming psychosynthesis events and soul psychology tarot workshops please visit the Eventbrite listings page.

“I highly recommend the soul psychology tarot workshop – it’s incredibly insightful. As a tarot newbie Sam helped remove the mysticism showing us how soul psychology tarot relates to psychosynthesis and how to use it as a tool to help move towards Higher Purpose and meaning”


“Thank you to Sam for the most amazing self-discovery workshop. The tarot was so beautifully explained and I’m now beginning to have a better understanding of it. You made everyone feel at ease and made us feel safe so we were willing to share without judgement, thank you!”


“I’m a regular attendee of Sam’s weekly meditation circle and it’s been hugely beneficial for me. It’s the one chance in the week where I’m truly able to switch off and reset and Sam leads the sessions so beautifully by making everyone feel so welcome. Sam’s calm and soothing demeanour makes the sessions even more enjoyable as she leads you through the meditation sessions which vary week to week.”



Athena Women’s Network: Business Development Training (BDT)

Sam Pope will be delivering this Business Development Talk. The title of her session is How to Hold Space for Your Clients.

In this highly interactive Q&A talk, you will discover what it means to hold space for a client, how to hold space successfully and why it’s beneficial for you and your business. You will also discover the important role of personal and professional boundaries when running a business, and you will be given lots of ideas from your peers about which boundaries you may need to work on.


This is a FREE 90 minute interactive self exploration workshop that will introduce soul psychology, the symbolism of the tarot and journaling as psychological tools for self discovery.

What to expect from this event:

This session will be hosted by Lashara Wood, a Movement and Mindset Coach, and Sam Pope, who is a Psychosynthesis Psychologist and Advanced Tarot Practitioner.

In this workshop you will journey into the world of self as expressed by the tarot and explored with the pen. You will learn what soul psychology is, also known as psychosynthesis, and the art of self discovery through tarot, journaling and meditation.

You will be introduced to a simple framework for change and how to support yourself.

The following concepts will be explored:

– The many aspects of self

– Inner narrative and inner guidance

– How to move from inner conflict to self agency

This workshop is for you if you are looking for practical tools that will help you feel better about yourself and your decision making process.


Self-Alignment Coach Sam Pope introduces ‘Soul Psychology Tarot’, which combines the science of psychology with the mystic of tarot, to create a tool for self-support, discovery and meaningful change in midlife.

This workshop will be held in circle, with intention-setting and acknowledgement when opening and closing. It will be interactive and participatory.

Topics will include:

What is midlife?

What is soul psychology?

What is the Tarot?

Introducing the 3A’s, a simple three-step process for meaningful change.

The 3A’s as a tarot spread and some practice readings.

This workshop is for anyone looking to create meaningful change in midlife, but who doesn’t know how. Participants may have an interest in self-alignment, soul psychology, or the tarot, or all three!

If you have your own tarot deck please bring it along as there will be an opportunity to try out some soul psychology tarot readings for yourself. This is optional.

“Sam facilitated with warmth and wisdom the exploration of our own inner life which resulted in some great insights for me to take away”

“Thank you Sam for your lovely gentle motivation and insights.”

“I recently attended Sam’s ‘How to Get Unstuck’ webinar which allowed me to take some time for myself and start to process the 3As of how to get unstuck and identify what I most need right now to move forward. Sam’s approach is gentle and understanding and her explanation of the concepts was detailed and clear. Highly recommended.”

“Very clear, love the 3A’s!”


Guided visualisation and meditation practice in honour of the current moon phase
Join me in a monthly guided visualisation and meditation practice to awaken creative inspiration and gain fresh perspective.
The theme of the visualisation will be connected to the current moon phase, harnessing the power of the moon energy to create space for insights and direction.
Aromatherapy pomanders will be made available to those who also like to work with the sense of smell.
Please bring a pen and paper to journal your experience.

“I’ve attended a number of Sam’s guided visualisation meditations and have always brought a question around my jewellery business. It’s thanks to the inner guidance I gained from Sam’s visualisations that I’ve developed new products which are now best sellers!”
Morena Fiore-Kirby, KODES Accessories


I’m Sam Pope and for fifteen years I was a busy boss mum and award-winning entrepreneur.

Over the last five years my life has radically changed. I went back to university to get a masters degree in psychology, and I now run coaching programmes that help busy heart-centred business owners improve confidence and create meaningful change using a simple, three-step self-awareness practice.

In this webinar you will learn:

– The different types of ‘stuck-ness’ (overwhelm, confusion, burn-out, procrastination)

– What being stuck really means, and how to overcome it

– Practical self-awareness tips to start immediately

– Practical acceptance and action steps, and what to expect when choosing to do things differently

“A female business owner standing in the power of her own self-belief has a positive, far-reaching impact”. Sam Pope – Dip. Coach, B(Sc) Psychology, Award-winning entrepreneur, Meditation host, MA Psychosynthesis Psychology (thesis year)

“Great topic, very clear. Love the 3 A’s.” Tracy. S.

“Great tips to take away.” Tracey. B.

“Highly recommend!” Naomi. B.


Come along for a new moon guided visualisation for clarity and direction for the month ahead.
I will guide you through a 30 minute visualisation. Contemplate and bring a specific, clear question to ask your inner guide.

The sessions usually end with some sharing for whoever wants to speak.

I’m a psychosynthesis life coach and I’ve been hosting mindfulness meditation circles for five years in the local community.

“I’ve been particularly enjoying Sam’s guided visualisation sessions. They’ve given me clarity on creative matters, as well as inspiration and encouragement. I really find taking some time out from ‘doing’ particularly useful to let my brain rest and welcome creative input.” Morena Fiore-Kirby
“I joined Sam’s new moon visualisation as a novice to meditation and visualisation. I really enjoyed it and found it really relaxing and interesting how your mind can take you to certain places and see certain objects. I left with a positive, warm fuzzy feeling afterwards. Highly recommended.” Sifa Gazi Modina

“Sam’s gently guided visualisation opened up creative channels in me and when I asked my rose (guide) a question the answer came back clearly. Sharing after the experience embedded the answer even further for me, and the wisdom of Sam’s meditation stayed with me for days after.” Parminder Gunn-Hamilton


Sam Pope, award winning entrepreneur and life coach, uses mindfulness and creativity exercises to connect you to the life you want to live.

How do you know you’re on the right path? How do you recognise and overcome the patterns that hold you back? In this two hour workshop we will use the tools of mindfulness and creative thinking to connect you to your most authentic life’s path. You will learn what motivates you and how to outwit your inner critic. You will broaden your self awareness and learn how work with your blind spots. Most importantly, you will leave with a collection of ideas and inspirations to take your life to the next level!

Mindfulness Practice: Learn how to use your mindful attention to recognise patterns, accept things you can’t change, and focus on what inspires you.

Creative thinking: Explore ideas and possibilities with guided exercises to get your creative juices flowing and get you out of your head.

SPECIAL OFFER! If you decide to continue on to my 12 week one on one personalised coaching program for business owners and entrepreneurs the fee for this workshop will be waived. To learn more click here.

Live Your Best Life comes with a no questions asked refund policy. I am positive this will be a valuable tool to connect with your life’s purpose. But, if for any reason it is not, I will issue you a refund right away.

I can highly recommend Sam’s ‘Live your best life’ workshop. During the two hour workshop Sam used a mixture of mindfulness and creativity exercises that really gets you thinking on your feet and allows you to learn so much about yourself whilst sharing with, and nurturing, others in the group. I left feeling calm, incredibly positive and very grateful. Thank you Sam, for your lovely gentle motivation, insight and amazingly soothing voice!


I’ve been particularly enjoying Sam’s guided visualisation sessions.  They’ve given me clarity on creative matters, as well as inspiration and encouragement.  I really find taking some time out from ‘doing’ particularly useful to let my brain rest and welcome creative input.


WordPress Freelance & Contract Developer

I attended Sam Pope’s “live your best life” workshop and found it both profound and enjoyable. I loved working with the others in the workshop, Sam ensured that we all felt safe to be very honest with each other and the questions she asked to enable that were extremely creative. Sam facilitated with warmth and wisdom the exploration of our own inner life which resulted in some great insights for me to take away to help me to indeed, live my best life.



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