During the COVID-19 lockdown I recorded a six-episode podcast, ‘Simple Mindfulness with Sam’.
This series of guided meditations was curated to bring groundedness and support during times of uncertainty.
“YES – these times are challenging, but crisis brings opportunity for personal growth. What better time to commit to some mindfulness practice than when you’re at home, facing your fears every day? Please join me on this journey of self-discovery during the Coronavirus”.
BONUS MATERIAL : The reset breath
A quick, easy reset breath technique to bring back your mindful presence. Music: www.purple-planet.com Click for this episode
EPISODE 6 : Staying grounded and connected
This final episode starts with a reflection on mindfulness practice and what it means to be a mindfulness 'ninja'! It is followed by a 10 minute guided mindfulness practice to stay grounded and connected. Don't miss out on the Bonus Material today : a quick, easy...
EPISODE 5 : The inner path to healing and wisdom
In this episode we take everything we have practiced so far and deepen the experience even more. This is the one-stop, guided mindfulness meditation that puts you on your inner path to inner healing and wisdom. Music: www.purple-planet.com Click for this...
EPISODE 4 : Powering up when feeling powerless
In the previous episodes we have explored how practicing presence cultivates a 'witness' state. In this 15 minute episode we try out the ultimate mindfulness practice - staying with the breath to stay present. This is how to power-up when feeling powerless! Click for...
EPISODE 3 : Take time to make time – the great mindfulness time hack!
How is it possible to create more time? The answer is: spend less time worrying, over-thinking and future-planning for things that might never happen. In this 15 minute episode we practice watching, labelling and letting go of our thoughts. Try this simple mindfulness...
EPISODE 2 : Create choice with mindful attention
Controlling where you place your attention brings choice! Practice this with a 15 minute, guided body-scan exercise. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Click for this episode
EPISODE 1 : Take space from fear and anxiety
Join me for 15 minutes of a guided mindfulness practice that creates some space between you and your anxiety. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Click for this episode
Simple Mindfulness with Sam – Coronavirus series
I'm so excited! I never thought I would have the courage to make a podcast... but here it is, COVID-19 has demanded that I face my own fears and get my voice 'out there'! I will be recording six episodes in total, with one piece of bonus material at the end. I really...
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