Tarot Training with
Sam Starr
Would you like to use the Tarot as a regular spiritual practice to feel validated and supported in your next steps?
Do you want to learn to use the Tarot ethically in client work?
If so, you’ll love to learn the tarot using the Ground & Rise™ Tarot Pathway.


Join the live, masterclass to discover the Major Secrets of the Tarot. In this one hour masterclass, Sam walks you through the major arcana of the tarot, and give you tips on how frame questions psychologically so that you get clear answers. This is the perfect introduction to the Ground & Rise™ Beginner’s Tarot course. Discover where you are in your tarot journey and leave feeling energised.
“Thank you for the lovely depiction of the ‘Major Secrets’ journey”
“Thank you that was intriguing!”
“You have such a peaceful demeanour and a knowledgeable and insightful way of delivering your Tarot secrets. Thank you for making it available!”
“I’ve never heard the Tarot’s Major Arcana explained in that way so it was wonderful for me to hear, even though I’m not new to Tarot.”
Beginner’s Tarot Course
This is a very special beginner’s training focused on traditional and intuitive meanings, and card spreads which support personal and spiritual growth.
Sam includes you, as the reader, encouraging you to discover where you feel confident and supporting you in areas you want to develop.
There is a grounding meditation to strengthen your connection to intuition, and with regular practicals and demonstrations you will learn to formulate questions from a self-development perspective so that the Tarot can become an ally and guide in your personal healing journey.
This beginner’s tarot course is focused on keeping it simple. There are no astrology, numerology or hermetic teachings, only the tarot meanings themselves and a psychological approach that keeps tarot readings focused on how to create a feeling of connection a meaningful change in your life.
Ground & Rise™ is a spiritual and psychological approach to learning the tarot.

Membership & Certificate Programme
Would you like to go deeper with the Tarot?
Are you looking for a community of like-minded people who want to coach ethically with the Tarot?
Do you want further teachings from Sam Starr on how to coach using the Tarot?
Sam has a researched and proven methodology to connect to what is psychologically unconscious, in order to create insight and connection in the coaching space.
The membership certification programme will result in an advanced tarot certification, allowing you to get the insurance cover you need to use the Tarot in client work.