As a spiritual entrepreneur, you’re on a path of self-recovery. You have chosen to bring a part of yourself that wants to be expressed through service, through a business offering, and you choose to keep authenticity and spiritual practice at the heart of what you do otherwise you’re pretty sure you’ll burn out again.
(Just a side-note: it’s impossible not to be authentic – every expression of you is valid and true, but what you’re certain of is that you don’t want to fall into the trap of letting one part take control over all the other parts such that you lose a sense of who you are anymore. You’ve been there before and you don’t want to go back).
And so, at the centre of this journey is a practice of staying connected to all of you – nothing can be cast into the darkness or it may start to control you again. Even the dark parts must be acknowledged, accepted and loved (even if you don’t understand them just now).
Let’s try a little exercise called ‘Love is…’.
Please read the exercise first and then close your eyes to give it a go.
If you enjoy this ‘love is..’ exercise please take five minutes to complete a form for some research that I’m doing on building a new, supportive community for spiritual entrepreneurs. There’s an offer of a free tarot-card pull included!
💫 ‘Love is….’ exercise
Imagine the most challenging part of your working life right now – the biggest thing that’s troubling you. See if you can get a sense of what happens to your body when you call it to mind. Notice if your body is tensing up and if so, where it’s tensing up. Allow yourself to soothe this part of you by moving it, or sending it some breath. Without knowing what this part of you needs or wants you’re just acknowledging it, without judgment.
From this place allow a number to enter into your mind – any number from Zero to 21. Then find your number below to discover how you can bring love into your working life.
💫 Read below to find your ‘Love is….’ answer:
Love is…
0…not knowing where you’re going or how you’re going to get there but just trusting you’re on the right path
1…having a sense of what you’re good at, what you’re not-so-good at, knowing what your ‘edges’ are, what ‘triggers’ you, knowing the magic that you hold, and that you have something special that only you can bring (and that you absolutely must bring it because others need it!)
2…being still amid the chaos of creation. Trusting that you will get where you’re going without knowing how to get there – by just holding the idea close to your heart so that it opens like a flower without any struggle.
3…looking after yourself in nature – going for a walk, dancing in the rain. Planting seeds and knowing they’ll need time to grow. Nurturing yourself, self-care.
4…having boundaries. Knowing your limitations. Taking care to plan so that you can flourish within a structure. Not letting anyone tell you that you can’t.
5…your spiritual practice. Knowing that within you is an acorn whose only task is to grow into the oak. Be your own spiritual teacher by allowing the acorn to grow. Stop doing and start being so that you can become who you truly are.
6… staying connected to the heart-space, choosing carefully who to connect with such that you co-create something completely unexpected, vital, and from the heart.
7…taking the reins and taking action. Procrastination is survival from the unknown. Head into the unknown because you know it’s want you want – your heart yearns for it.
8…knowing your wild side, knowing your tender side and having them work together in harmony. Don’t let the lion in you take charge. Allow the tender side to be heard. Let the lion be loved. Take it slowly – this is where love is.
9…going within. I know you’re busy, but today put aside 30 minutes to meditate. Allow yourself to be revealed – your worries, your emotions, your physical discomforts (notice them without judgement and without going into the story). Allow yourself to keep coming back to the breath. Give yourself this time so that you can see what’s propelling you subconsciously right now and bring it back into consciousness so you’re no longer a slave to it.
10…knowing that this is your time. This is your moment. This is your destiny. Accept it and don’t resist. Find a focal point in case you feel a bit dizzy and allow the opportunity to open.
11…clarity, balance and bringing your sense of what feels ‘right’ into your reality. Know that the path you are on is one of integrating your Highest ideals into your life. Trust this.
12…letting go of any preconceived ideas of how you think things should be going, and allowing a fresh perspective to arise. There doesn’t have to be a struggle (you’ve been there already). Let go of things having to be a particular way and your path will be revealed to you.
13…knowing when to let go. Love is feeling the feels. Love is an ending, to make way for the new. Love is not trying too hard. Love is allowing. Love can hurt sometimes. Love doesn’t stand on its own like a beacon of light – it’s one half of a cycle of light and dark, life and death. What is it that needs to end, so that you can move once more towards the light? Go gently.
14…knowing how to hold the light at the dark at the same time. Love is understanding that balance comes from both good times and challenging ones. Support yourself with your favourite creative pursuit and by trusting in divine timing.
15…getting to know your shortcomings. Listen out for your inner critic, your victim mentality and where your desires are keeping you locked into a repetitive cycle! This is your chance to break free! Befriend these voices… ask them what they need – what they really need – and then go deeper, and deeper until you find the part of you that feels really upset/scared/afraid and sit with that part of you with tenderness, love and absolutely no expectations. This might take some time because it’s a very sacred journey. Seek support and take your time. This is the connection you’ve been waiting for.
16…knowing when the walls need to come down to make way for the new. Love is knowing that you’ve tried really, really hard but something hasn’t worked and it needs a rethink.
17…being on the path of healing! Of collecting yourself through creativity and following what lights you up! Follow that star!
18…getting to know the cycles of the moon and how they impact you. There’s a monthly cycle of going within, self-discovery, working within the darkness, releasing into the light, letting go and transcending into something new. Where are you in this cycle? Things may feel a bit confusing right now. Love is knowing that it’s ok to be confused and it’s ok to ‘not know’ just yet.
19…being re-born as the human you know you are. Love is knowing yourself, knowing what you love, knowing what you don’t like, and communicating it to a supportive, loving community. Love is meeting your needs in a conscious and loving way.
20…following your calling. Love is ‘doing the work’ (the spiritual work) to know yourself and love yourself so that you can be and become yourself by following your true calling.
21…arriving at your destination by not leaving any part of you behind. Love feels like ‘wholeness’, like something is complete.
Each number represents a card of the Tarot’s Major Arcana. Please email me on [email protected] for more details.
If you enjoyed this ‘love is..’ exercise please take five minutes to complete a form for some research that I’m doing on building a new, supportive community for spiritual entrepreneurs. There’s an offer of a free tarot-card pull included!