When you pull a tarot card you’re working with archetypes. Archetypes are the images found within the collective human unconscious – 78 of which have been distilled into 78 different tarot cards.
✨You are in the realm of the archetype when you dream.
✨You are in the realm of the archetype when you create art.
✨You are in the realm of the archetype when you pull a tarot card.
Touch is a great way to get out of the ‘thinking’ space and go into the ‘receiving’ space.
Let the Tarot archetype speak to you through the somatic experience of touch.
Two-minute ‘Tarot and Touch’ exercise
In a quiet moment, hold a question in mind, shuffle the deck and ask the cards to: “show me what I need to see”. Stop shuffling when it feels right in your heart. Take the top card from the deck and look at it in an upright position. Don’t refer to any books about what the card means.
Take the index finger of your right hand and trace it around the lines of the image. Notice which words and phrases come into your head as you do this. Take your time and trace the entire image. Now do the same with your left index finger – was it the same? Different?
Allow the archetypal image of the card to speak to you through your touch. Trust the words that enter your head and heart. Don’t overthink it or push it, just be with the card for two minutes.
If you have time, hold in mind the question, “show me what needs to heal” and take the card that’s sitting at the bottom of your pile. This is the card that will show you what is ready to heal around this situation, and which is usually hidden away. In the same way as before, use your touch to explore the meanings that this card gives to you.
Write down your discoveries of working with tarot and touch this way.