MYSTIC MAG: “Soul psychology tarot”

Who is Sam Pope? What’s your professional background? What is psychosynthesis? What can people hope to achieve with your guidance? These are some of the questions posed to me by Predrag Vlatkovic of Mystic Mag whose regular blog posts feature interviews with...

KINDRED SPIRIT: “Psychosynthesis and Soul Psychology Tarot”

“What exactly is Psychosynthesis psychology?” Good question! And one which was asked of me by the Kindred Spirit magazine, summer 2023 edition. If you’d like to know more about psychosynthesis and how I apply it in the coaching setting then this...

HAMPSTEAD VILLAGE VOICE: “Finding Myself in Hampstead”

It’s been a lovely opportunity to write for the local satirical magazine, “Hampstead Village Voice” because I was asked to “keep it Hampstead-y” which was an entirely new angle to write from! In this article, I tell the story of how I...

Why changing career or relationship is so hard

I’ve finally got around to uploading all the certificates that I have gained over the past few years onto LinkedIn. I’ve been busy! Changing my career and getting divorced at the same time has been a huge shift in identity and it’s been existentially...

January: talking to the moon

With every turn into a New Year we’re encouraged to reflect and review. But we also have the shorter 28 day cycle of the moon which constantly waxes and wanes along each 365 days, nudging us into reflection and fullness as we navigate our human lives. The third...

UK Health Triangle: “Soul Journey Tarot”

I am thrilled to be included in the ten year bumper edition of the UK Health Triangle magazine, talking about my journey to become a self-alignment coach in midlife, and ‘soul journey tarot’ readings. Click here to read the article in full Health Triangle...