What’s the One Thing you could do to make everything fall into place?

by | Jan 30, 2025 | BLOG

I was asked a question at a women’s networking event last week: “What’s the One Thing you could do that would make everything else easier?”

For me, this is simple.

It stems from the famous Zen Buddhist saying, “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day. Unless you’re too busy, then you should sit for an hour”.

When I first heard this saying I baulked at the idea – surely that was wrong? How could sitting still possibly help me when I have so much to do?

Developing a daily practice to slow down and connect to yourself helps you to sort out the wheat from the chaff. When I’m super-busy it’s a valuable way to check in with where this busy-ness is coming from. Is it a self-imposed deadline, an imagined urgency? Is it a boundary issue? Is there someone pressing me for an answer, creating a sense of panic within me? Am I permanently fire-fighting in my business and if so, where can I create some perspective around this so that I can feel more balanced?

Creating space to check in with yourself, to establish where the busy-ness is coming from is a really valuable practice. It clears the decks and helps you set priorities. Your to-do list for the day is instantaneously reduced.

Taking it ‘next level’ is to include guidance from your Higher Power: “What do I need to know to support me in this busy-ness?” You can do this by asking the cards.

I’m calling it ‘next level’ because you’re essentially saying, “I’m willing to get out of my own way, so that You can show me the right path”.

When you invite Higher Power into your life you are inviting trust and faith that you don’t have to figure everything out yourself, do everything yourself, and everything is *not* your responsibility. You can set your priorities and feel held by something greater than yourself, the Great Mystery, the energetic life-force of which we are all a part.

This week I’ve turned some cards for us all so that we can ponder this question together.

Manifesting a life of meaning may well begin with committing to one thing that will change everything else. If you could change one thing, what would it be?

What do I need to know to support me in my busy-ness?

8 Wands (reversed): Are you aware of how your busy-ness can cause miscommunications and mis-steps?

6 Pentacles (reversed): You may need to accept that there is a power dynamic at play here, one around giving and taking, over-giving or not being open to receive. What’s your power dynamic when it comes to manifesting? Do you believe everything is down to you? Do you feel obliged? Do you wish you could just get on with your work and don’t ask for help when you need it? Are you an over-giver? Where can you move into acceptance about this.

7 cups (reversed): The invitation is to take action to ground your options into reality. What is real and what is fantasy? What are you dreaming of, such that you are missing right what’s in front of you? Could your busy-ness just be in your head?

Taking some time out to connect to yourself and a Greater Perspective is an essential part of manifesting a life from love and not fear.

Click here for information on how to sign up to the Ground & Rise® beginner’s tarot course. Starts Thursday 6th February. A handful of seats remain at the lower price of £249.00. Manifesting the life you dream of is only a card turn away.