A big thanks goes to Reg Starkey, editor of the UK Health Radio magazine, for featuring me in the magazine this month. We had to re-write the piece as Coronavirus hit the UK and nothing else mattered anymore.. Find out about the journey of why I became a...
I’m so excited! I never thought I would have the courage to make a podcast… but here it is, COVID-19 has demanded that I face my own fears and get my voice ‘out there’! I will be recording six episodes in total, with one piece of bonus material...
Featured in the industry magazine for Removals and Storage, this article was an interview with me as Managing Director of the 7-figure business I co-founded. In the article, I speak about how to create a good work-life balance when you’re the owner of a growing...
This is a very personal story, written as a huge THANK-YOU to editor of Aerostat Magazine, Ed Lubbock, and owner of hot-air balloon, Serendipity, Phil Hebdon. Serendipity was our family’s hot-air balloon in the ’70s and ’80s, and my dad was her...